Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Possible Pay Cuts for State Workers

Back on July 31, 2008, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger issued Executive Order S-09-08 which effectively ordered a reduction in the pay of over 175,000 California State workers to the federal minimum wage of $6.55 per hour. The precedent for this action was set in 2003 under then-Governor Gray Davis. Schwarzenegger cites the decision of the California Supreme Court in the case of White v. Davis, 30 Cal. 4th 528 (Cal. 2003) in his executive order. However, State Controller John Chiang stated that he would not comply with the order. To see the most recent information on the legal battle between Governor Schwarzenegger and Controller Chiang, including the papers filed with the court in the case of Gilb v. Chiang, check out The State Worker.

During the similar situation in 2003, Assembly Bill 1535, which would have ensured regular pay for state workers, was proposed, though never passed. To see what the current legislature is doing in this regard, check out this informational hearing held before the California State Senate on August 4, 2008. And to get the gubernatorial/executive perspective on the matter, check out this article from the Department of Personnel Administration and the Governor's speech from August 31, 2008.

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