Friday, January 30, 2009

Revisiting the Kyoto Protocol

Former Vice President Al Gore was on capitol hill recently to testify before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in preparation for UN sponsored climate change talks scheduled to take place in Copenhagen at the end of this year. For more information on these new climate change discussions, see the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. You can view Mr. Gore's testimony and read his prepared statement at the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations hearing "Addressing Global Climate Change: the Road to Copenhagen".

For some background information on the Kyoto Protocol, including a chronology and bibliography, see this report from CQ Press "Global Warming Treaty" (available through CQ Researcher, OCA required). The full text of the Kyoto Protocol is available through the "Official Documents of the United Nations" database. For other UN resources, see our International & United Nations Resources page.

Congress has a held a number of hearings regarding the Kyoto Protocol. You can see which hearings are publicly available online and in print at McHenry library by searching in Cruzcat. Or you can search for hearings and reports in Lexis Nexis Congressional (OCA required).

The Environmental Protection Agency also offers a number of reports regarding the Kyoto Protocol through their now archived page on Global Warming. This is a useful resource for finding older documents related to climate change. For more recent climate change documents and resources, see the EPA's new Climate Change page.

For additional climate change government resources and information, check out the US Climate Change Science Program/US Global Change Research Program and for California-centric information, visit the California Climate Change Portal. Also check out the other resources listed at Gov Info by Topic: Environment.

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